busacdor Bella Zadore

Chicas Bella Zadore

Chicas Bella Zadore
Toma un momento para conocer a las chicas de bella zadore

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009

Are You In Your Right Mind?

Our upcoming Goddess for November, Dale Allen, has created a dynamic, charming and simply fun one-woman show that inspires women and men alike to explore their innate feminine qualities - creativity, nurturer and compassion. She has been performing her show, "In Our Right Minds," for about 4 years and looks forward to continuing to encourage people to embrace their right-brain qualities. She will be performing a snippet of her show at our November Goddess Soiree on November 10th and you catch the entire show on November 11th at the American Legion in Fairfield, CT. You don't want to miss the chance to see Dale Allen whose show has been equated to "...a Cape-Canaveral lift off."

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